Monday, May 17, 2010

Free Imagery Stream on Huffpo; New Inroads to PTSD

Huffington Post, along with, is featuring a series of articles on ways to de-stress during the month of May, called Unplug and Recharge. Each day they add more approaches. There's some really good stuff in here - even if some of the content is not completely new to you, you'll find good reminders and new ways of thinking about the suggestions - about breathing, yoga, how to eat, exercising, positive mind-tricks, changing the way you use time, clearing away clutter, and lots more. I got to add a little piece of my own, describing guided imagery, complete...

Free Imagery Stream on Huffpo; New Inroads to PTSD

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Management of Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Reaction - VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines

"Management of Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Reaction" : The guideline describes the critical decision points in the Management of Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Reaction and provides clear and comprehensive evidence based recommendations incorporating current information and practices for practitioners throughout the DoD and VA Health Care systems. The guideline is intended to improve patient outcomes and local management of patients with one of these diagnoses."

Management of Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Reaction - VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines: